Dr. Safa is committed to making endodontic care available for all patients who need it, regardless of special healthcare needs. Patients with special needs include the elderly, those with limited mobility, mentally disabled individuals, immunocomprimised people and those with mental illness. Specific diseases that can frequently hinder proper dental care include autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cerebral […]
Bruxism is the technical name for grinding, gnashing, and/or clenching your teeth. It is considered a para-functional activity, which means an abnormal or deviated dental function or habit that is subconscious. The term Bruxism comes from the Greek word “brygmós” which means “to grind or gnash the opposing rows of upper and lower molar teeth”. […]
If a tooth’s pulp, the innermost layer, becomes infected it is in grave danger. Most likely, your general dentist will refer you to our office for intervention. Without treatment, the tooth can die and fall out. So how does a tooth reach this ruinous point? In this blog post, we will examine bacteria’s journey to […]